A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Made for Ludum Dare 53 completely from scratch, single file C++

A moderately long DQ1-style game where you're not the hero.  Master running away, throwing things to distract, and barely surviving monsters you can't even hope to fight.

It DOES have an ending, and is quite long and difficult, but it is possible.

Gamepad controls currently broken in jam version, arrow keys + z (interact) and x (menu)


DragonExpress-linux-x86_64.tar.gz 18 MB
DragonExpress-w64.zip 25 MB

Install instructions

On linux simply unpack the tarball by running "tar -xvf DraagonExpress-linux-x86_64.tar.gz" from the folder you downloaded it in, or use your favorite graphical file manager. On windows simply unpack the zip file and run.

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