Web version now available!! It's 20MB so it might take a moment to load. The animations don't play as smoothly on the web version and it can't be resized (the desktop version can), but it's here for the convenience of those that just want to try it out quickly.

Important: Please Read!

  • The web version acts differently under different browsers, it works best under firefox. 
  • Volume is extremely low on the web version under chrome/edge, you will probably have to turn the volume up considerably
  • The rooms with the 1/2 on the walls are an elevator, it wasn't 100% complete and we had to ship it as just a normal door to get the jam game in on time, try not to hold up when going through or you could accidentally loop back to the floor you started on.
  • Some hitboxes are slightly broken and there was no time to fix, if it looks like it can be inspected but it's not working, try slightly repositioning yourself, sometimes being too close puts you outside of the defined hitbox.

Short puzzle adventure game about trying to survive on a damaged ship.  Race against the ticking clock to solve the puzzles, retrieve the keycards, and get that sweet sweet O2.

As this is a ludum dare entry, it's extremely simple and short, default controls are 

  • Z - Switch item (only for visual/informational purposes, items don't need to be selected to be used)
  • X - Use Item/Interact
  • Arrow Keys - Move

Game controllers "Might" work but time ran out before they could be fully tested, YMMV

All assets produced by our team, with the following exceptions.





ld50-outofbreath-linux.tar.gz 9.8 MB
ld50-outofbreath-win.zip 12 MB

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